Thursday, November 09, 2006

Voice Art Throw Pillows -

Check these awesome, beautiful and artistic pillows. Excellent way to add life, style, originality, and pure and simple art to your home, dorm room or even floor.

Here is a quote from the artist, Phillip Martin Chavez about his artwork: "My inspiration for my Voiceart comes from numerous places. One inspirational aspect is my Native American roots (Apache and Navajo) also my Mexican heritage. I have many "Southwestern style pieces". Another inspirational aspect comes from my disability which makes me work within limited parameters. This kind of "forces" me to do more with less which fits right in with my Buckminser Fuller teachings. Another aspect which has surely inspired me was the death of my wife, brother and close cousin in the same year (1998) which was truly the catalyst for me starting my Voiceart. I needed a place to channel my grief and this became the vehicle. Growing up I was always drawing but after becoming disabled at 17 years old that ended.

After technology caught up with me I had a lifetime of art backed up. When I started making my Voiceart it was like opening flood gates. It was quite amazing how many pieces I created in such a short period of time especially considering many took 50 hours or more. Another inspirational aspect is I come from a family where most of my relatives were in the contact lens business and optical related businesses. I'm very visually oriented and it comes across in many of my "optical" pieces."

Click on any of the pillows to see it larger and to add this incredible art to your home.

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